March 25 2020
All newsCoronavirus: measures taken to ensure the normal operation of your plant

As widely reported, the Argentina government issued a Urgent Decree that establishes mandatory and preventive social isolation until March, 31st.
Regardless of that, in our efforts to ensure the productive continuity of those industries that, at this moment, are considered of national importance, we want to transmit calm and inform that:
1. We consider ourselves part of the value chain that provides materials, components and services that ensure supply for the Sanitary, Pharmaceutical and Food industries which are exempt of the Decree.
2. We assembled an emergency team that is working to ensure the normal supply of material and spare parts.
3. We assembled a permanent emergency team of experienced technicians in all areas and for all the equipment that we produce, represent and provide.
4. For urgencies and enquiries, please call 0810 - 555 - EDEL (3335) inside Argentina.